Our client is a leader in the waste management sector. Their trucks collect waste from residential areas and transport it to dump sites located outside the city along rough, unpaved roads. The client was using the cheapest market tyres and was not particular about brand. The client was hesitant to try a premium tyre due to cost implications.
Industry Demands
The waste management sector requires flexible tyres. Tyres must provide cost per kilometre efficiency on the road plus strength and chipping reduction off road. Tyre performance monitoring is essential.
Collecting trash required frequent turning and braking in tight residential areas. The challenging terrain of the landfill area was causing significant tyre damage and 90% of the tyres were removed before their scheduled lifespan. In particular, there was severe tyre chipping due to rough gravel surfaces. Our analysis also showed that recommended tyre pressure was not followed and tyre failure occurred due to under inflation.
After a detailed technical study our team suggested LM201, an all position all-terrain tyre that is suitable for on and off road applications. Its enhanced cut-chip resistance compound and optimised zig-zag grooves helped to improve load carrying and performance, both on and off the road. Our technical team also provided training on correct tyre management and tyre rotation, which became mandatory training for drivers.
LM201 achieved an exceptional mileage. Through detailed performance tracking these tyres were shown to last 30% longer than the client’s previous tyres. Longmarch also eliminated breakdown time due to tyre failure. Our technical team continued to conduct regular tyre checks and monitor performance. The client is now also switching to Longmarch tyres for their bus fleet.